Primary Recruitment season will be here before you know it! If you’re one of the thousands of women vying to join a sorority this fall, here are a few tips to help you prepare for recruitment.

P – Put on a big smile and get ready to make a great first impression. Recruitment is full of first impressions! Every member of each chapter you meet will give you a first impression of her organization, and you will give first impressions when you meet a recruitment counselor, chapter member and other potential new members. You never know—you could be meeting a lifelong sister and friend!
R – Research sorority life on your college campus. Before recruitment, it’s important to research each chapter on your campus. Social media gives you a glimpse into what sorority life looks like on your specific campus, so visit your school’s fraternity/sorority life website and check out each chapter’s social media accounts to learn more.
E –Expectations are key! Like any situation, knowing what to expect during recruitment will help you make the most of your experience. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the Office of Fraternity/Sorority Life if you have questions. Find out things like how many days you will be going through the process, if PNMs receive T-shirts to wear and what you need to do in advance to prepare. Expectations for yourself are also important! Figure out what you want most out of the sorority experience and ask intentional questions to determine what chapter will be the best fit for you.
P – Planning will make the week go by more smoothly. The week of recruitment is fast and furious. Utilize a planner or calendar to plan your schedule around recruitment. Figure out exactly what time you will participate in recruitment each day and, if needed, ask off work during those times. If recruitment occurs after the academic term starts, try to get ahead on homework and studying to avoid staying up late during recruitment.
A – Ask for Recruitment Information Forms. Most sororities accept Recruitment Information Forms or Recommendations up until the first day of recruitment. When you apply for a job, you usually list references—the process is similar during recruitment. Your credibility increases when you have a positive RIF submitted on your behalf. For more information on submitting RIFs for Alpha Gamma Delta, click here.
R – RELAX, both physically and mentally. Recruitment is an exhausting process. You will meet more people than you’ve probably ever met at one time. Ensure you are getting enough sleep and taking mental breaks outside of recruitment. Being your best self means taking care of yourself!
E – Enjoy the Experience! Recruitment is like nothing else, and it’s important to take everything in one day at a time. Get ready to meet many of the women who will be part of your favorite collegiate memories and become your lifelong friends.
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