I’m so thrilled you’ve decided to participate in Primary Recruitment. My sorority experience was filled with glitter, late-night Taco Bell runs, road trips, finding my best friends and so much FUN. I’m excited—and the tiniest bit jealous—that you have all of that and MORE to look forward to!
With recruitment just around the corner, you’re probably feeling all the things—excited, nervous and maybe even anxious. Those are all valid emotions, especially for someone putting themselves out there and trying something new. As your soon-to-be Panhellenic big sister, allow me to share some advice to ease your nerves and boost your excitement!

Go in with an open mind.
Pre-conceived notions can prevent you from fully experiencing recruitment and forming connections with each chapter’s members. Resist the urge to feed into rumors and reputation—instead, commit to keeping an open mind.
The best recruitment accessory? Confidence.
Trust me, the chapter members are interested in getting to know you—not judging your outfit. Wear what makes you feel most comfortable and lets your personality shine through! If you’ve been assigned a Panhellenic T-shirt to wear, check out these tips for adding your own flare.
Prioritize self-care.
The world is SO much bigger than sorority recruitment. Instead of obsessively scrolling through chapter Instagram feeds or comparing opinions with other PNMs, let your evenings be filled with self-care. Whether it’s doing a face mask, getting ice cream or watching your favorite sit-com, do something to relax and recharge.
As cliché as it sounds, be yourself.
Being someone you are not exhausting and unnecessary. It also robs the members you meet of getting to know the talented, unique woman you are! Recruitment is about finding the right chapter to spend your collegiate years (and beyond!) with, so make sure you’re choosing one full of women who inspire you to be yourself.
Ask questions!
What did you do this summer? What’s your favorite movie? What are you hoping to get out of sorority life? Get ready—you’re about to be asked a LOT of questions. It’s just as important for current members of each group to get to know you, too. Let them lead the conversation, but if you have some burning questions—ask! They’ll appreciate the break and love that you’re interested in their chapter.

Let your inner voice be the loudest.
You may love a chapter during recruitment but hear another PNM say it was her least favorite. That’s okay! If every chapter was the best fit for everyone, there would just be one big sorority! Don’t let the opinions of others deter you from making the best decision for yourself.
Trust the process.
If I’m the first person to tell you this, I won’t be the last.
Panhellenic recruitment is a process unlike any other, but it usually works out exactly how it’s supposed to. Even if you end up at a chapter you’re unsure about—give it a chance! After a few weeks, I bet you won’t be able to picture yourself anywhere else.
I am so excited for you to experience recruitment and all the wonderful things waiting for you on Bid Day. Whichever sorority you join will be bettered by the perspective, brilliance, and joy you bring. I’ll be cheering you on every step of the way!
This post was written by Louisa Lee, Upsilon–University of Oklahoma, Leadership Consultant for the Fraternity.