And the Winner is
Each year, hundreds of communications and marketing professionals from fraternal organizations, professional membership groups and honor societies gather for the Fraternity Communications Association’s annual conference. The highlight of the event is the awards banquet, where the industry’s best work created in the past year is honored.
Though this year’s conference was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a virtual awards ceremony was held on May 19. Alpha Gamma Delta International Fraternity is pleased to announce its Communications and Marketing Team has received the following 2020 FCA Awards:

1st Place: Printed Promotional Materials – 2019 Gratitude Report
Created to thank Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation donors for their generosity, the report shared impactful stories from women who have not only benefitted from the generosity of Foundation donors but also understand the importance of their role in contributing to the world’s work. View it here.
This award honors an outstanding promotional brochure, poster or another communication piece through the use of persuasive copy and attractive design.

1st Place: Best Online Magazine or Blog
The Alpha Gamma Delta Blog features articles on scholarship, recruitment, philanthropy, alumnae life and Alpha Gam events. Check out the blog here.
This award honors outstanding efforts in communication through an online magazine or blog.

2nd Place: William C. Levere Award for Total Communication – 2019 Rebrand
After several years of research and testing, our new brand was launched in April 2019 that included a new color palette, fonts, patterns, logo and tagline. The fresh new look and updated tagline tell the world what we’ve always known: Alpha Gamma Delta is loving, leading, lasting. Learn more about the rebrand efforts here.
FCA’s top award, the William C. Levere Award honors the best communications program by an organization directed to members and/or an outside audience for a single purpose, such as a membership campaign, convention or other efforts.

2nd Place: Magazine – Story Packaging Feature – “By the Numbers”
“By the Numbers,” which appeared in the Fall 2019 issue of the Quarterly, was written to educate readers on data surrounding our membership and how it affects organizational priorities. Presented mostly through infographics, the piece reveals a large amount of membership data in easily digestible bites of copy. Read it here.
This award honors the ability to combine outstanding writing and design concepts to tell a story.

3rd Place: 2-Page Spread Magazine Design – Meet Our Leadership Consultants
Featuring a 2-page photo of the 2019 Leadership Consultants in downtown Indianapolis, this design was a departure from previous years’ features. View it here.
This award honors outstanding design of a two-page magazine spread.

3rd Place: Persuasive or Opinion Writing – “He Would Have Liked Me Better as a Blonde”
Collegiate member Olivia Levy, Tau–University of Toronto, reached out about submitting a Quarterly article on internalized racism—and we were all in. We felt it was important for our readers to hear these words from the perspective of a collegiate woman. The timing of its appearance in the Summer 2019 issue aligned well with the establishment of our newest volunteer committee, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Read it here.
This award honors outstanding writing of a persuasive essay that tries to sway the reader to perform an action or support an opinion with emotion and/or empathy.

3rd Place: Greek Life Writing – “Caught in the Rush”
Written from the perspective of the Quarterly editor’s personal experience as a member who participated in Primary Recruitment in the mid-90s, “Caught in the Rush” sparks nostalgia while educating alumnae on the vast changes in the process since that time. Read it here.
This award honors outstanding writing of articles that focus on the fraternity/sorority system or student life.

3rd Place: Printed Publication Improvement – Academy for Collegiate Officers Workbook
Revamped to more closely align with Alpha Gam’s new brand identity, the Academy Workbook provided engaging content and served as a physical takeaway for attendees to use during the event and throughout the year in their officer roles. View it here.
This award honors outstanding efforts to improve an existing printed material and demonstrate how well persuasive copy and attractive design work together to sell an idea.
FCA received more than 800 submissions from its member organizations, and 34 organizations received awards for outstanding efforts in a variety of writing, design and communication categories. For more information about FCA, visit