
To be eligible for consideration as a candidate for International Council, the nominee must:
- Be an alumna of Alpha Gamma Delta in Good Standing.
- Be current in paying yearly Alumnae Dues to the Fraternity.
- Have made a donation to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation within the current Fiscal Year.
- Have served a minimum of four years as a Volunteer Service Team member (which includes service as a Chapter Advisor), Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation Trustee, Fraternity Housing Corporation board member or as a former staff leader, any time prior to the beginning of the biennium of her proposed International Council service.
To be eligible for service as International President, in addition to the items listed above for International Council eligibility, a member must have completed a minimum of two years of service on International Council.
International Council shall have all those powers necessary or proper to carry out the object, purpose and business of the Fraternity. The primary responsibility of International Council is to provide strategic leadership in creating the future of our Fraternity, ensuring accountability of the Chief Executive Officer to International Council and of International Council to our members. As such, International Council will govern lawfully with an emphasis on outward vision, commitment to obtaining membership input, encouragement of diversity in viewpoints, strategic leadership, clear distinction of Council and staff roles, collective decisions and a proactive, future focus.
All International Council members have the responsibility to ensure that Alpha Gamma Delta continues to move strategically forward in pursuit of the Fraternity’s goals. Each officer should be willing to fulfill her responsibilities as an International Council member which include:
- Steward a long-range strategic plan designed to foster and sustain Alpha Gamma Delta’s Purpose.
- Prepare and maintain the Alpha Gamma Delta Governance Handbook.
- Review and approve the annual plan prepared by the Chief Executive Officer; review progress to plan-related metrics prepared by staff.
- Conduct a periodic review of the results achieved by staff and volunteers across all areas of Alpha Gamma Delta including (but not limited to) alumnae, collegians, membership, extension, finance and education.
- Serve as the final court of appeals for Fraternity issues, consistent with the International Council Policy Handbook.
- Prepare for, attend and actively participate in all conference calls and in-person meetings.
- Select and assess the Chief Executive Officer and her performance.
- Serve on various committees, work groups, task forces or boards incidental to the health of the Fraternity/Enterprise. These include but are not limited to:
- Personnel Committee
- Audit Committee
- Partnership Committee
- Executive Finance Committee
- Fraternity House Corporation Board of Directors
- Foundation Board of Trustees
- Serve as the fiduciary trustees of the Fraternity, preserving institutional independence and ensuring financial solvency and integrity.
- Attend Fraternity wide events, such as International Convention, as requested.
- Contribute financially with payment annually of Fraternity Alumnae Dues and giving annually at the minimum of the Jewel Level to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation.
- Represent the Fraternity to internal and external communities.
- Collaborate with fellow International Council members and support International Council decisions with the goal of 80% agreement and 100% alignment with strategic decisions.
- Review Fraternity email/communications daily.
Distinct Responsibilities
International President: In addition to the duties listed for each International Council member, the International President shall also:
- Serve as President of the Corporation for purposes of New York State law.
- Serve as the presiding officer at the Annual Meeting of the Fraternity and International Council meetings.
- Serve as a member of the Council of Delegates for the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC).
- Maintain responsibility for the implementation of policies established by International Council.
- Travel as needed on behalf of the Fraternity, typically once or twice a month.
- Perform such other duties incident to the office of President and Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation as International Council may prescribe.
These responsibilities necessitate an additional time commitment that varies based on scope and need.
Required Minimum Qualifications
- Alumna status and at least 4 years of experience in a leadership role (volunteer or former staff) within Alpha Gamma Delta.
- Knowledge and high-level understanding of Alpha Gamma Delta’s Governing Documents and Ritual.
- Ability to travel on behalf of the Fraternity.
- Ability to think strategically in order to determine direction and long-term plans for the Fraternity.
- Ability to develop and maintain positive and productive relationships with staff, volunteers, alumnae and collegiate members and the fraternal community.
- Strong written and verbal communications skills.
Core Competencies
- Integrity and Accountability: demonstrate high ethical standards in personal and professional life.
- Informed Judgment: able to apply intelligence and wisdom to decision making; able to understand disruptive risks and trends and their impact on the organization.
- Financial Literacy: able to read and understand financial statements, indices for evaluating financial position and future financial planning.
- Respect for Others: willing to listen to others and to raise tough questions in a way that encourages open discussion, brings forth needed information and develops end results.
- High Performance Standards: exhibit a personal and/or professional history of achievement.
- Relationship Building: has strong communication skills and a willingness to serve as both an internal and external ambassador for the Fraternity.
- Experience with, or a willingness to learn and practice, Policy Governance.
- Demonstrated experience serving other organizations (for profit and not for profit) in a leadership role at a local or national level.
- To facilitate effective decision-making and strategic planning, the Fraternity seeks a wide variety of backgrounds and experience. Helpful experience may include corporate finance, banking, law, strategic planning, entrepreneurship, non-profit management, higher education or broad Fraternity experience. Prior experience on a corporate or not-for-profit policy governance board is preferable.
Authority of International Council
International Council shall have all those powers necessary or proper to carry out the object, purpose and business of the Fraternity. International Council governs the Fraternity using a modified policy governance model. The primary responsibility of International Council, under the modified policy governance model, is to provide strategic leadership in creating the future of our Fraternity, ensuring accountability of the Executive Director to International Council and of International Council to our members.
As such, International Council will govern lawfully with an emphasis on outward vision, commitment to obtaining membership input, encouragement of diversity in viewpoints, strategic leadership, clear distinction of Council and staff roles, collective decisions and a proactive, future focus. This means IC will not be preoccupied with the present or past or with internal, administrative detail.
- International Council will cultivate a sense of group responsibility. The Council, not the staff, will be responsible for excellence in governing. The Council will initiate policy, not merely react to staff initiatives. The Council will use the expertise of individual members and Council committees to enhance the ability of the Council as a body to make policy, rather than to substitute their individual judgments for the group's values.
- International Council will direct, control and inspire the organization through the careful establishment of broad written policies reflecting the fraternity’s values and members’ perspectives. Council’s major policy focus will be on the intended long-term results to be produced for the members, not on the administrative or operational means of attaining those results.
- International Council will enforce upon itself whatever self-discipline is needed to govern with excellence. Self-discipline will apply to matters such as its code of ethics, policy-making principles, respect for roles, regular self-evaluation and ensuring the continuity of governance capability. Although the Council can change its governance process policies at any time, it will scrupulously observe those currently in force.
Member Commitment
Service as a member of International Council is an important responsibility undertaken by members elected to serve. Each International Council member is expected to diligently commit to fulfilling the functions of her office and to the work of International Council. If, for any reason, she finds herself unable to serve in the capacity of her office, as pledged before the membership during the Officer Installation, she must communicate this promptly to the International President.
Legal Duties and Additional Responsibilities
Nonprofit corporation law requires that an International Council member should meet certain standards of conduct and attention to her responsibilities to the organization. These are referred to as the Duty of Obedience, the Duty of Care and the Duty of Loyalty. In addition, International Council members should keep certain information confidential; transparency is also expected. International Council members strive to meet these standards.
By virtue of their responsibilities and position, members of International Council may from time to time receive information that the law entitles the Fraternity to treat as confidential. Such confidential information includes the advice of the Fraternity’s legal counsel or its accountants. This information may come to International Council directly from counsel or the accountants, or it may be conveyed to IC by staff. To avoid any argument that the privilege of confidentiality has been waived through disclosure, Council members should not discuss or disclose the advice of the Fraternity’s counsel or accountants outside of the Council room. If there are questions about confidentiality as discussed generally in this document or as it applies in any particular circumstance, please contact counsel.
Click here to view Alpha Gamma Delta's Volunteer Agreement.