Alpha Gamma Delta women are doing amazing things in the places where they live and work. All alumnae are encouraged to submit a sister for recognition who shares our Purpose with others every day.
The Distinguished Citizen Award is presented to alumnae in good standing who have brought recognition to Alpha Gamma Delta through outstanding contributions and achievements in various fields and professions. Achievements of nominees should be unique and clearly rise above and beyond all levels of expectation impacting their field beyond their local community. Fields to be considered are: Arts, Business, Education, Government, Public Service, Religion, Science and Social Service. Nominations can be made by an alumnae chapter/club, a collegiate chapter or by an individual member of the Fraternity. Recipients are selected by International Council and the award is presented at International Convention.
Nominations for the 2026 Distinguished Citizen Awards are now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination.
Congratulations to our 2024 Distinguished Citizens!
Leanne Guyette Caret, Epsilon Chi- Kansas State University, Business
Michele Schallip, Alpha Upsilon - Central Michigan University, Military
Click here to view all past Distinguished Citizens.
The Honors of Epsilon Pi awards recognize members who have served the Fraternity, a collegiate chapter or an alumnae group and are awarded by the Fraternity every two years at International Convention. For qualifications and information on submitting a nomination, please refer to the Honors of Epsilon Pi Handbook, which can be found in the Honors of Epsilon Pi tile under Alumnae Chapters and Clubs in Acorn. Nominations are due by December 1 of the year preceding an International Convention.
To review a list of members who received an Honor of Epsilon Pi at the 2024 International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, cluck on the link below.
To review a master list of all past Honors of Epsilon Pi recipients organized by Honor and initiating chapter, select the link below. Note the section in the Table of Contents explaining how to use the document and quick tips for member searches.
Alumnae nominated for the Talent of Leadership Award have made significant contributions to their professions or have made a positive impact in their local communities. Examples of contributions that could be considered for the Talent of Leadership Award include:
- Recognition by a professional organization
- Recognition as an expert in her chosen profession
- Publications such as books, articles, newspaper columns
- Long-term leadership or service to a charitable organization
- Outstanding volunteer in a local community
- Board membership in charitable organizations
- Holder of a political office, or a political appointee
- Organizer of a community action group
- Local business leader
- Any local accomplishment in the fields of the arts, business, education, government, public service, religion, science or social service
Sisters are recognized locally at International Reunion Day celebrations and receive a commendation from the International Fraternity.
Nominations can be made by an alumnae chapter/club, a collegiate chapter or an individual member of the Fraternity. Nominations for 2025 are now closed.
Congratulations to the 2024 Talent of Leadership recipients!
- Michelle Camarco, Beta Beta - North Dakota State University, Business and Finance
- Patricia Speakman Conville, Alpha Chi - Theil College, Science
- Mary Dawson Droste, Beta Iota - Eastern Illinois University, Community Service
- Kathryn Byorkman Gauthier, Zeta Zeta - Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Service to Alma Mater
- Melissa Jacobson James, Rho - Iowa State University, Education
- Amanda Taylor Nerg, Zeta Epsilon - Michigan Technological University, Military
- Anna Auxtinee Rivers, Alpha Upsilon - Central Michigan University, Politics and Government
- Julie Roberts, Epsilon - University of Kentucky, Business and Leadership
- Sonya Sigler, Omicron - University of California - Berkley, Entrepreneurship
- Cynthia Nelson Somers, Beta Delta- Indiana University Bloomington, Community Involvement
- Candace Harper Wheeler, Delta Alpha - University of Southern California, Veterans Affairs
- Tona Williams, Kappa Beta - Missouri Western State University, Community Service
For a complete list of past Talent of Leadership Award recipients, click here .