Alpha Gamma Delta is committed to fostering
a loving, equitable and inclusive membership
experience for all members.
We are dedicated to providing a space for members
to learn, grow and live with purpose.

Through feedback gathered from virtual town hall meetings and data collected and assessed by Dyad Strategies, it is clear our most urgent focus must be our current collegiate members experience. By doing so, we can influence long-lasting, systemic change.
We acknowledge the exclusionary history of our organization and past racist acts of individual members and the fraternity/sorority community at-large. We have committed to enacting a zero-tolerance policy toward racism, discrimination and bigotry. As we move forward, any reported behaviors inconsistent with our anti-racism efforts will be swiftly and appropriately addressed.
We are undergoing a thorough evaluation of every aspect of our member experience, including training, recruitment, programming and Ritual. We are steadfast in the removal and/or revision of any policy centered in bias and exclusion.

The Fraternity has partnered with Dr. Stacey Pearson-Wharton, a psychologist who specializes bringing healing and wholeness to communities as they tackle issues of race and bias. With her help, we will develop an intentional, positive approach to our work surrounding diversity, inclusion and allyship, as well as provide support for our Black members and members of color.
To foster a chapter experience where all members are valued and celebrated, we will continue to provide opportunities for our members to have real, robust conversations about race, privilege, bias and the experiences of our members of color.
Our desire is to create an inclusive and healthy experience for our Black members and members of color while developing our collegiate women so they will be inclusive leaders in the communities where they are placed. With the guidance of our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, we commit to provide additional educational opportunities, programming and multiplatform resources for our members. This includes ongoing diversity, equity and inclusion training for all levels of leadership—including International Council and IHQ staff and volunteers, collegiate advisor teams and collegiate and alumnae officers.

Alpha Gam’s Mission challenges us to lead lives of significance that positively impact our communities.
In order to meet this charge, we must stand against racism, discrimination and inequity.
The Fraternity’s work in this area is important, meaningful and ongoing. We are dedicated to seeking new paths for increased diversity and ensuring an environment of belonging—but we can’t do it alone. We need the support of every single member of Alpha Gamma Delta.
As an organization of women guided by a Purpose, it is our responsibility to gain understanding of issues that affect our sisters—especially those whose experiences differ from our own. We ask you to cultivate acquaintances throughout your community, seek understanding and be a champion for justice.
A more comprehensive look at our current action steps and progress is compiled here
This list represents our highest priorities at this time and is not meant to be exhaustive.