International Reunion Day—often referred to as IRD—is a time to develop or rekindle Fraternity friendships and to renew and develop an understanding of the true meaning of Alpha Gamma Delta. It’s celebrated in various ways throughout the Fraternity with large and small groups gathering for luncheons, dinners and community service.
For many years, Alpha Gamma Deltas gathered to celebrate May 30 as Founders' Day. This became increasingly difficult since many colleges and universities were either closed or taking final exams during this time. In 1936, Founders' Day became a historic term and was replaced with IRD, which is celebrated on or near the third Saturday of April each year.
As collegians and alumnae, our connection to Alpha Gamma Delta provides opportunities to meet amazing women from all over the world and create deep, lasting friendships with one another. As demonstrated in our Purpose, cherishing friendships with but a chosen few and perfecting those friendships is as important today as it was when our Founders came together to create the Fraternity.
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