


Support the Alpha Gam Experience with your Alumnae Dues!

Annual Alumnae Dues make it possible for the Fraternity to provide the many programs and services that benefit our members—including you.

By paying your Alumnae Dues, you are supporting Alpha Gamma Delta’s vision to: Inspire the Woman. Impact the World.


With your annual $40 investment, you support:

  • Keeping the cost of collegiate membership as affordable as possible
  • Bringing Alpha Gam to new campuses
  • Volunteer Service Team training and support
  • Alumnae programming and events
  • In-person events like International Convention
  • Access to The Circle where only alumnae dues-payers get to connect, create and collaborate
  • Care and preservation of archives and history


To give your support, pay your annual International Alumnae Dues online or send by mail to Alpha Gamma Delta • ATTN: Alumnae Dues • 8710 North Meridian Street • Indianapolis, IN 46260 

Alpha Gamma Delta’s fiscal year is June 1 through May 31, so please send payment by May 31 of each year. If you have questions, please contact us here or call 317.663.4200.