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Manifest the Best: Creating an Awesome New Routine

New Routine

Manifest the Best: Creating an Awesome New Routine

The world today looks drastically different than it did six months ago, and it has caused a big shift in our day-to-day lives. In this wave of uncertainty and change, something that can provide a sense of normalcy is a set daily routine. Here are some tips to help you set one or update the one you have. 

Write Down Your Goals 

In her novel Untamed, Glennon Doyle challenges readers to think about the truest, most beautiful stories that could happen in their lives and write them down.  

“As every architect or designer knows, there’s a critical step between vision and reality,” she says. “Before imagination becomes three-dimensional, it usually needs to become two-dimensional. It’s as though the unseen order needs to come to life one dimension at a time.”  

This is where you should start with your new routine.  

Ask yourself what changes you want to make. Who do you want to be? Revisit that beautiful story you jotted down—now, how are you going to get there? According to a study noted in Inc. magazine, those who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them. Even further, a study in Forbes magazine suggests vividly describing your goals and thinking about them in detail makes the rate even higher. 

So, grab a pen and paper and start dreaming.

Start Small 

We can’t transform our entire lifestyle overnight. The key to changing your routine and sticking with it is making one or two changes at a time. Marathon runners don’t begin by running 26.2 miles. They start with shorter runs and build as they continue to train. Set small goals for yourself, such as getting up at the same time each morning. Crush that goal and then go after your next one! 

Be Consistent 

The best routines are ones you don’t have to think about. The best way to get into a new habit is to do something consistently. It may feel strange to set reminders for yourself to journal each morning, take a walk at lunch or do your skincare routine before bed—but once you get in the habit of doing those things each day, you will no longer need the reminder. 

Stay Positive  

In 2007, Hannah Montana told us Nobody’s Perfect, and it as true now as it was then. While it’s easy to get down on yourself if you slip up or get off track for a few days, it’s okay to take a break now and then. The most important thing is to not let one slip up become the end of the road. Instead of feeling guilty or letting it bring you down, use it as a chance to reset, refocus and get back on track! 

Begin Today 

There always seems to be a better or more convenient time to start a new challenge. Phrases like “I’ll start at the beginning of next week,” can too easily turn into next month—or even this year. If you catch yourself saying you’ll tackle something after your next project or once you’re caught up on homework, ask yourself what is really holding you up. If you keep looking for reasons to not start, you’ll keep finding them.  

The easiest way to ensure you start is to start today. You don’t have to change everything at once—make one small change today, and then do it again tomorrow. 

Need Inspiration? 

Here are some great new habits you can add to your routine: 

Modifying your sleep schedule 

Drinking enough water 

Eating healthier 


Spending less time using screens/technology/social media 

Reading more books 

Learning to meditate 


Making your bed each morning  

Keeping your space clean 

Want more tips on setting goals? Check out Leveling Up with Goal Charting by Cheyenne Baker in the latest issue of the Quarterly

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