Alpha Gamma Delta

Are You A GEM?

college graduate throwing grad caps


“I can’t believe it took me two years!” Kalina Haynes, Mu—Brenau University

Kalina received a Foundation scholarship in 1997 which she says, “showed me the impact alumnae could make in the lives of sisters.” In addition to her Recruitment Specialist role, she began giving back to the Foundation monetarily when she was able, and has recently become a member of the Give Every Month (GEM) Society. Over her past 12 years of giving, Kalina has increased and decreased her support to a level at which she is comfortable. Kalina shares, “I can’t believe I waited two years to become a GEM! It’s just too easy… I set a monthly, recurring donation amount, then shifted my Starbucks budget. Now I’m able to be a member of the Jewel Society each year without it putting pressure on my checkbook.”

It is loyalty like Kalina’s that allows us to provide for our sisters, who will forever be thankful.



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