Alpha Gamma Delta

Ways to Fundraise Virtually

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Ways to Fundraise Virtually

The following post was written by guest blogger Erin White, Communications Manager for the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation. 

If we hear or read the phrases “unprecedented times” or “new normal” one more time we might lose it.

The fact is, we know all too well that times aren’t what they were six months ago. Everything has changed. EVERY.THING. Even the social distancing stickers on the grocery store floor look like they’ve been there forever.

Now it’s time we switched the conversation from how unprecedented these times are (see what we did there?), to how to adapt and succeed.  

One thing that hasn’t changed, is that hunger insecurity is still a very real problem in our local communities. For most of North America, in-person philanthropy events are just not an option right now, but that doesn’t mean the show can’t go on. Think: Adapt and Succeed! 

While it may sound like a lot of work, there are easy ways to pivot plans for an in-person event to a virtual one without completely going back to the drawing board. So, let’s get creative, put in a little elbow grease and create a memorable virtual event! 

First, take the ideas you already have and determine the best way to make it work online. For example, if your event requires a lot of real-time interaction—such as an auction or a cheese and mac bakeoff—a live stream might work well. If your event requires speaking parts or a live demonstration, a pre-recorded video might be the way to go. More about ideas later! 

Next, create partner with your chapter’s Marketing Team to create a marketing plan. Check out these marketing resources from the Fundraising Toolkit! 

Now for the easy part! Use CrowdChange to set up your online event and you are 80 percent done with your plans. The CrowdChange online fundraising platform offers tons of features to help you take your philanthropy event to the next level. The Alpha Gam Foundation provides this at no charge to your chapter.

Now, back to those event ideas! Here are a few to consider:

Just because we must socially distance doesn’t mean we can’t do our part to contribute to the world’s work. From binging TV for a good cause to a healthy competition with other groups on your campus, there are plenty of ways to raise money to hunger in your local community, fund leadership programming, sisters in need and so much more.  

Don’t hesitate to email us if you have any questions.  

Looking for more inspiration? Check out our Fundraising Toolkit

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