Alpha Gamma Delta

Alpha Gam Always: 5 First Apartment Must-Haves According to the Alpha Gam Boutique

sweet home alpha gam door mat


Life after college graduation is overwhelming, and—if we’re being honest—job-searching isn’t all that fun either. So, when you finally land your dream job and find the perfect apartment, it’s time for the fun to begin—decorating! To make life a little easier, here are five must-haves from the Alpha Gam Boutique to bring a little bit of Alpha Gam with you as an alumna. 

  1. After a long day in the office, it’s time to relax and turn on some Netflix. Purchase a cute throw blanket to snuggle up with at night. 
  2. Don’t be discouraged if you’re first apartment doesn’t instantly feel like home. To be honest, it most likely won’t, and you’ll need time to adjust. But have no fear! Check out this simple yet trendy doormat that will always remind you of the “at-home” feeling you felt with your Alpha Gam sisters. 
  3. What is your go-to stress relief drink? Sweet tea? Diet Coke? Water? Coffee… with a double shot of espresso? No matter what your taste buds crave, there’s an Alpha Gam glass to fit your needs—from alumnae branded mason jars and tumblers to Alpha Gam-styled water bottles and mugs 
  4. Moving out on your own can be tough, no doubt about it. For the past four years, you’ve lived with a group of inspiring women who have motivated you to keep moving forward. Create a cork board with pictures of your chapter sisters and include this mini pennant banner, or set a picture frame or two on your dresser.  
  5. Getting the keys to your first apartment is just as exciting as getting keys to your first vehicle. You’ll want something extra special to mark the occasion—so don’t forget to grab a key fob and carry Alpha Gam with you always. 


As much as we wish it could, the Alpha Gam Boutique can’t carry everything you need for your first apartment. Make a check-list and prioritize based on what you might need the most. Consider including big furniture, eating utensils, laundry items and toiletries to your list. Try your best not to stress, girl. It will all come together, and Alpha Gam is here to help you through it. 

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