Alpha Gamma Delta

Sisters Fighting Hunger: Natalie

Sister fighting hunger


Name and initiating chapter:

Natalie D’Hollander, Zeta Omega—University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Why do you volunteer for your local fighting hunger organization? 

I love volunteering because of the people that volunteer there. The food bank that I volunteer for has only two full-time staff members and many volunteers, some of whom are food bank users themselves. Being surrounded by such positive, hard-working and purposeful people make me want to live my Purpose even more!

Why are you passionate about fighting hunger?

Hunger is something that affects many, and I have seen the effects that hunger has on communities everywhere I have been. It is heartbreaking to imagine there are some people who don’t have access to food to fulfill a basic human need.

Where can chapter sisters go to get involved / find more information in their communities?

I recommend visiting your campus financial aid center to see if your campus has a food bank that they use. Before working with my local organizations I didn’t know that there were so many people my own age that needed help, and that there was a way to help in my own collegiate community!

What are your thoughts on our new philanthropic focus?

I am so excited for Alpha Gams to start fighting hunger! I love that this philanthropic focus is so broad–it can be seen on many scales, both in our own communities and worldwide.

Why are you excited for Alpha Gams fighting hunger?

I am excited to see what amazing, creative initiatives that Alpha Gams are able to come up with to contribute to the fight against hunger. I am also excited to spread the word about Zeta Omega’s tradition of fighting hunger during the Halloween season with Trick or Eat, where we go door to door asking for non-perishable food items and monetary donations for our local fighting hunger organization!

We are always seeking stories and knowledge from our sisters related to our philanthropic cause to share on social media, in print materials and in future video. Do you have a unique experience you want to share? Or maybe an idea that sisters could learn from to fight hunger? Tell us your thoughts by emailing

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