Alpha Gamma Delta

A Sister in Need

burnt building


Natalie Maneval, Alpha–Syracuse University, experienced an extreme hardship in October when her New York City apartment caught on fire. Thankfully no one was hurt, but the 26-year-old Alpha Gam alumna had to replace most of her possessions and had an immediate need while she waited for her renters insurance claim to be processed. Desperate to replace basic necessities, Natalie turned to the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation for help.

The Foundation awarded Natalie a SIS Grant and a Disaster Relief Grant to help her replace items lost in the fire, and alleviated some of the stress associated with moving into a new space.

“Having the support of the Alpha Gamma Delta community really meant a lot to me and helped me through an emotional and financial draining time,” said Natalie.

In addition to working full-time as an editor at a magazine, Natalie is also pursuing her master’s degree in journalism at Columbia University.

“It was an amazing feeling to have the support of my Alpha Gam community even after my collegiate experience. Alpha Gam not only relieved a lot of my stress by providing me with financial support, but I also received kind and encouraging words from many sisters,” said Natalie. “The grants allowed me to continue to focus on working and going to school, because I knew I had the essentials covered. This experience reminded me the importance of giving back to our sisterhood and staying connected.”

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